Durational Devices
Durational Devices is a five-week performance installation that examines the underside of the human condition. The artist’s body becomes a vehicle to reflect different and varying states of being—young, old, limited or ill; lonely or depressed; contained, controlled or marginalized—and how we confront resistance with and through the body. Each of the five devices is a mobile platform that constrains movement and vision in a characteristic way. Wing-Sproul will propel these devices with toes to inch across the floor. These durational actions take place in relative silence within the Marble Block Building in Biddeford. A unique drawing tool for each device will trace an intentional, yet uncontrollable, path of marks, resulting in five distinct floor drawings contained within separate performance zones. With support from the Kindling Fund, performance images, drawing documentation and related documents will be developed into a dedicated website. The project will also host a public panel discussion with the artist and acclaimed critical writers/curators.