




SPACE Studios

Kindling Fund










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Neighborhood Spaces

Brendan Shea

Neighborhood Spaces is receiving a Research and Development Grant toward their proposal of supporting and facilitating contemporary art exhibits in residential spaces for public viewing. Each resident selects an artist to exhibit in their home and Neighborhood Spaces funds the project and provides organizational support. This organizational support includes creating advertising materials, facilitating documentation, assisting in exhibition programming and providing food/drink.

Neighborhood Spaces praises your residence as it exists. Whether you live in a messy studio apartment, a single-family home, or a campsite, the context of your space becomes the parameters for the exhibition. With the Research and Development grant, Neighborhood Spaces will pilot one exhibition in 2024.

Neighborhood Spaces gives residents and artists the opportunity to exhibit work that feels important to that moment. Institutional exhibition programming is often decided a year in advance with stakeholder agreement, our exhibition model can get a show together in less than two weeks. Our exhibitions can be responsive and adaptive to our rapidly shifting socio-political landscape. Viewing art in people's homes provides a new context and texture to the work that could not be replicated by any institutional space.

Collaborators: olivier

Artist bio:

Brendan Shea is an artist whose work explores popular sentiment, affect and the mechanisms of painting. Alongside Brendan’s studio practice, he organizes community exhibitions and events, ranging from apartment group shows to coordinated city-wide public art installations. Brendan received his BFA in painting from Maine College of Art in 2018 and an MFA at the University of Texas at Austin in 2022. At UT Austin he was a recipient of the David Bruton Jr. Endowment Graduate Fellowship. He has exhibited work in spaces across the U.S. including; Ortega Y Gasset Projects (NYC), Grant Wahlquist Gallery (Portland, ME.), B.U. Gallery (Boston, MA.), Visual Art Center (Austin, TX.), SaveArtSpace (Los Angeles, CA.), Mass Gallery (Austin, TX.), SOIL Gallery (Seattle, WA.), and SPACE Gallery (Portland, ME).


Cover image: Documentation of olivier's performance "Things about the Informal Pterodactyl" Performed in Chicago in 2023