SPINNING WAMPUM: Reclaim-memorating the Treaty of Casco Bay as Wabanaki Practice
Collaborators: Darren Ranco, Jennie Hahn and Ian Saxine
SPINNING WAMPUM: Reclaim-memorating the Treaty of Casco Bay as Wabanaki Practice is a Wabanaki-led public art project that will bring a cross-cultural group of artists and scholars together in Caskoak (Casco Bay). This group will gather monthly to collaboratively design a series of artistic interventions commemorating the Casco Bay Treaty processes of 1726-1727. The project will culminate in a participatory storytelling walk incorporating interdisciplinary creative processes with stories of the historic treaty and contemporary Wabanaki diplomacy. This project is part of a larger initiative to support Wabanaki artists in creating a series of new public artworks to reclaim-memorate the Casco Bay Treaty gatherings in 2026-2027.