“A Long Wait” is an event series and platform for artistic inquiry that uses Fort Gorges – located at the entrance to Casco Bay outside…
ICELAND×207 is a multi-media project documenting Iceland’s recent entry into the Maine waterfront and economy. It includes portraits of Icelanders in Maine, documentation of the…
The FUTURE BRIDGES project includes a mobile tent and a series of pop up events and participatory actions within the City of Portland. The project…
In Kinship is a civic performance project that investigates migratory fish restoration in the Penobscot River. Designed to complement existing public outreach surrounding restoration efforts,…
PLATFORM PROJECTS/WALKS is a new social practice project; it engages the local arts community in a series of inter- and cross-disciplinary conversations and activities around…
The Apohadion Theater is a non-traditional grassroots performance and exhibition space operated out of a studio workspace shared and maintained by more than 25 working…
Tracking the Border is an interdisciplinary project based on navigation of the 611 miles that represent the Canada/US border in Maine. The artist will travel…
The experience of viewing ‘auteur’ films has changed dramatically over the past fifty years; once occurring in college lecture halls and big city art cinemas,…
New Fruit is a women-run alternative arts space founded in March 2015 and located in Portland’s Bayside neighborhood. They urge a discourse of ideas and…
MEMORY is the artist’s 9th and final solo biennial of interactive installation in Maine’s abandoned mill spaces. In 1998, she began what would be an…