Butcher Boy, Lunch Cult, The Flies?, Morgan Lindenschmidt
Saturday, November 29 2014
Shake off the tryptophan buzz, and be thankful for a idiosyncratic bill of true New England originals. Butcher Boy, purveyor of all things doomy, jazzy, folky, and generally post-everything, play their first show since their first proper release in almost two years. Punk-rock jokesters Lunch Cult are a youthful, ‘garbáge-rock’ trio that the Phoenix has described as utilizing “deadpan lyrics, too-ambitious guitar work, brazen self-effacement, and dumb attempts at punk formalism.” Western Mass’ The Flies? join the bill with their distinctive blend of lo-fi garage-y melodicism. Conteder for future musical poet-laureate of Maine, Morgan Lindenschmidt opens up the night.