Horizon Beautiful
Join the Portland Children’s Film Festival and your PAYSA teammates for the screening of HORIZON BEAUTIFUL, a very special film project shot in Ethiopia in collaboration with young and passionate filmmakers at Blue Nile, an Ethiopian film school.
Soccer-industry magnate Franz travels to Addis Ababa as part of a campaign promoting his sport as a fountain of hope to humanity.
For Admassu, a 12-year old street kid (who is played by a real street child from Addis Ababa), the chance to show off his artistry on the ball to the big boss himself seems like a magic door to a future as a soccer pro. When Franz ignores him, Admassu talks a group of halfwit thugs into kidnapping Franz. His real plan, though, is to come up as the football bosses liberator – finally opening the door to soccer heaven.
But nothing goes as planned, and all of a sudden the two of them find themselves lost in the middle of the Ethiopian wilderness. As Admassu struggles to deliver Franz back to the city, the two natural born schemers find themselves in a curious vexing game, where the roles of helper and needy invert time and again.
Donations of gently used and outgrown soccer equipment are welcome. PAYSA and the Africa School House Club will collect items at SPACE Gallery and pass them on to sister programs in Kenya, Togo and Tanzania.
PAYSA and Africa School House Club representatives will be at SPACE during the event to talk about their programs and spring, summer and fall PAYSA soccer registration.
Part of the Portland Children’s Film Festival.