Jumbo, which stars Noémie Merlant (Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Paper Flags) debuted at Sundance earlier this year in the World Cinema Dramatic Competition before heading to the Berlin International Film Festival. Based on a true story, the film follows Jeanne, a shy young woman who lives at home with her uninhibited mother and works as a cleaner at an amusement park. During her late-night shifts, she begins spending time with the alluring new Tilt-A-Whirl ride that she decides to call Jumbo — and she strikes an intimate bond with the ride. She ends up being seduced by “his” red lights, smooth chrome and oily hydraulics. As a result, she wants to pursue a thrilling new relationship with Jumbo.
Splitting the difference between “Terms of Endearment” and David Cronenberg’s “Crash” in a way that’s often sweet and surreal – IndieWire
“a weirdly uncouth story handled with rare grace and delicacy” – Daily Beast
“Merlant’s performance is riveting and heartfelt, in-turn bringing bolts and metallic scraps to life as a believable love interest.” – We Got This Covered
Director: Zoé Wittock
Starring: Noémie Merlant, Emmanuelle Bercot, Bastien Bouillon
The Apohadion Theater and SPACE are pleased to co-present Jumbo as part of an ongoing series of virtual film screenings in 2021.