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Kindling Fund










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Miracle Medicine Show: Stories Of Heart And Soul

Thursday, January 18 2018
6:30 PM

An evening of live storytelling in the style of Slant and the Moth.


With stories from:

Mo Doyle

Mo is a former cynic who grew up in Bethel, Maine. She currently resides in South Portland, and works as a peer mentor. She is a staunch supporter of dogs in the workplace, bear hugs, and second chances. 

Joel Kerins

Joel is a Cape Cod native who washed up on the shores of Portland. He enjoys long car rides, over priced coffee and chain-smoking. 

Liz Leuthner

Liz is a recovering art historian and editor who is a fan of raw wool, oral hygiene and swimming in the ocean. She is slowly making her way up the coast and out of civilization.

Will Lutz

Will is our tallest friend and probably our coolest one, too. Too cool to write a bio, anyway.

Chris Torlone

Chris is a charmingly neurotic student who loves to ruin movies by fact-checking medical scenes.

And our coach, Zoë Romano:

Zoë is a writer and coach who grew up on Munjoy Hill before it was cool. Everything she knows about storytelling she learned from her grandmother, who’s still telling tales up there on Morning Street.

And our documentarian, Julia Whyel:

Julia is a storyteller and media producer whose work centers on stories of community, addiction and fashion. She loves seagulls, airports and happy meal toys, but not necessarily in that order.

This project is funded by a grant from Leadership Education at Duke Divinity, with support from HopeGateWay.

Proceeds from this event support The Family Restored, a Portland nonprofit helping families affected by the disease of addiction. Recovery is possible.