Motherhood with Matriarch and Lake Over Fire
doors at 7:30pm
$15 day of show
New Brunswick’s favorite experimental rockers return to SPACE with their East Coast Canadian charm, wit, and their border-defying explosive sound.
A trio of deep-thinkin’ rippers, New Brunswick’s Motherhood achieve one very rare and uncomplicated feat: they sound EXCITING on record and stage alike. Unlike so many awkward experiments by peers and ‘adventurous’ contemporary rock outfits, Motherhood’s music explodes with the kind of charm and exuberance you can’t just order. No, it’d take years of late nite couch-crumpled conversations, bathroom stall barfs and parking lot laughter to achieve the kind of chemistry these three exude. If we’re calling this art rock, it’s because commitment is a precious art indeed. And make no mistake, Motherhood is all about commitment.

Matriarch is Alex, Julian, Libby, Mia, Miles. “The crossing of our paths, an effort to share in earnest, the passing of the seasons.”

Lake Over Fire is a Maine-based hyper chaotic queer post-punk quartet weaving sneaky doomsday disco tunes for lovers, fighters, psychiatric patients, weirdos, and absurdists. Drawing their name and inspiration from the 49th hexagram of the I Ching which symbolizes alchemical change, the group is hard at work exploring the sublimation of pain and rage into ecstasy and liberation. Through screeching guitars, asymmetrical drums, and mesmeric basslines erupt glittering melodies and hauntingly playful vocal acrobatics. The group’s live set presents a bombastic, super-unleaded-plus, smooth roller coaster ride creating and cutting the tension with deft and sadistic control. The group has performed with such renowned acts as TheWorst, Gymshorts, Leggy, Bait Bag, Carissa Johnson and Tetchy. Described as “like The Cramps on bath salts” by a satisfied fan outside of a recent concert, the band finds it a great honor to welcome all sorts into their catharsis.