DJ JONATHAN TOUBINis bringing the world’s most popular soul party back to Portland. GET DOWN… all night long to the extra-exceptional, explosive, and exquisite original 1960s soul 45s of New York Night Train DJ Mr. Jonathan Toubin! GET IN… and join the DANCE-OFF to win a $100 CASH prize, judged by a distinguished panel of local luminaries…
Pepper Pepper (Drag Phenom) Katherine Hulit (kttnmttnz) Terrence Wolfe (Aspiring Heiress) Sam SaVaun (Type 1 Diabadass) Victoria Karol (Hot Trash Portland) Golale Yazdani (SPACE Intern) David Lopez (This Pizza Ship)
… and a special guest opening DJ set of cosmic funk and heavy grooves by Ash & Herb.
“New York’s best DJ.” – VICE
“The most-liked man in the soul music scene.” – Rolling Stone “DJ Jonathan Toubin is creating his own kind of dance revolution” – Village Voice