Patrice: The Movie [SOLD OUT]
Date and Time
Thursday, February 13 2025
doors at 6:15pm
doors at 6:15pm
$10 General Admission
$7 Member
(*limited free tickets available*)
$7 Member
(*limited free tickets available*)
dir. Ted Passon, 102 min.
Co-presented by Portland Museum of Art, Best Buddies, The Art Department, Disability Rights Maine, Vertical Harvest Maine, Double House Arts Collective.
All screenings of the film Patrice are shown with open captions, ASL interpretation will be available for the introduction and Q&A. This screening will be at a limited-seating capacity to make additional room for mobility.
A disabled couple in their fifties, Patrice and Garry want to marry but risk losing their benefits if they do. Despite the risk, they decide to hold a commitment ceremony.
- Live screen printing by Little Chair Printing (Designs all created by artists with disabilities). Bring a T-shirt, tote bag, or bandana to be printed on. Hope will have a few totes on hand if you don’t bring your own. This will be free, but with encouraged/suggested donation. Donations will be split amongst design artists.
- Patrice will join for an online Q&A after the show!
- Disability Community Resource Table
- Disability Rights Maine will host a letter writing/advocacy table, encouraging representatives to support the Marriage Penalty Elimination Act
- DJ Gabe will provide the tunes
- Movie will be introduced by Kile and Stephanie Pelletier