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Portland Park(ing) Day 2024: Guerrilla Downtown – Free Conversations

date and time
Friday, September 20 2024

In its first event since the pandemic, GUERRILLA DOWNTOWN re-boots Free
Conversations in collaboration with SPACE Gallery. Portland Downtown’s Park(ing) Day transforms downtown parking spots into spaces of connection and fun. Please stop by our parklet in front of SPACE Gallery and choose a five-minute “entrée” or one-minute “lighter fare” topic from the Conversation Menu. Shut off your phone and interact offline to see where it takes you.

GUERRILLA DOWNTOWN collaborates within the artistic community asking the public to experience theatre in new & immediate ways with site-specific short performances in downtown Portland.

Portland Park(ing) Day is part of a global initiative where cities reinvent public spaces. Portland Downtown and the City of Portland Sustainability Office, together with local nonprofits, organizations, and businesses, will create dynamic parklets that inspire and engage.

For updates, follow @PortlandDowntown on Instagram or Facebook.

Be a participant! On Friday, September 20, 2024! From 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., explore Portland’s vibrant parklets created by local organizations and businesses.

Here’s how to explore Portland Park(ing) Day:

  1. Grab Your Map & Card: Pick up your event map and participation card from various locations in Portland, or download them closer to the event. The map will show all participating parklets.
  2. Discover the Parklets: Wander through unique, interactive parklets around the city. Each one offers engaging activities designed to inspire and connect.
  3. Collect Stamps: Visit each parklet and get your card stamped. The more stamps you collect, the greater your chances to win a prize!
  4. Enter to Win: After gathering all stamps, return your completed card to enter a drawing for a $100 gift card to a downtown business of your choice, courtesy of Portland Downtown.

Stay Updated: Portland Downtown will share a digital map with parklet locations and printed cards for pick-up or download. For the latest updates, follow them at Instagram or Facebook @PortlandDowntown.

For more information, email with the subject line “Park(ing) Day.”

🚨 Tonight’s amiright? album release show is now starting at 7:30! It has been moved up half an hour to accommodate the city’s 10 pm parking ban. ❄️ The show will by done by 10!