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POSTPONED: SolaRISE Maine Schools Summit

Tuesday, March 17 2020
5:00 PM

This event has been postponed. We will be in touch with all current ticket-holders and inform them of the new date as soon as possible.

The SolaRISE Maine Schools Summit aims to prepare and empower young people to advocate for solar energy in their schools. It is an opportunity for students, teachers, community members, solar company representatives, and government officials to come together and discuss how to transition Maine schools towards solar power.

In 2019, SolarRISE raised $20,000 through the Foundation for Portland Public Schools to offset transition costs to solar arrays such as roof preparation, engineering work, and more. Last May, they had a direct action event walking across town to stand in solidarity together as they “walk to protect our world, put solutions into action, and brighten the future,” and have organized Youth Climate Strikes. As SolarRISE has said: “We’re done sitting on the sidelines of our future. Youth across the country (and globe!) are demanding real action on climate change to protect their future. Scientific evidence shows the world we are to inherit will be drastically different than that of our grandparents. So, we’re doing everything we can to protect it.”

Organized by Casco Bay High School Senior, Siri Pierce. Co-sponsored by the Sierra Club Maine Chapter and ReVision Energy.

This event is FREE but pre-registration is strongly encouraged. This event is meant to prioritize youth voices, we ask that adults attending both prioritize youth seating at the event and in conversation, center youth questions and ideas. All youth attendees under 18 will be given a free pass to an upcoming SPACE event to thank them for their civic engagement. 

Hannah Pingree – Director of the Office of Policy Innovation and the Future

Dan Burgess – Director of the Department of Energy

Rep. Seth Berry – Maine State Representative who serves as the House chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology.

Rep. Chloe Maxim – Maine State Representative and Co-founder of the Divest Harvard Campaign

David Gibson – Solar Design Specialist for ReVision Energy

Robert Stoddard – Principal Owner of Power Market Economics LLC and member of the Energy Working Group for the Maine Climate Council

Sarah Lachance – Cofounder of Campaign Earth

Thomas Korstanje and Sirohi Kumar – Students from Mount Desert Island High School who helped their school transition towards solar energy

Rebecca Noyes – Community Solar Analyst for BlueWave Solar

Rep. Christopher J. Caiazzo – Maine State Representative and a member of the Joint Standing Committee on Energy Utilities and Technology

Nancy Chandler – Sierra Club Climate Action Team Member