Strange Attractor’s Enlightenment on E Floor North
Strange Attractor Theatre Co. takes on the fraught discussion of employment by examining the museum security guard in their newest piece-in-development, Enlightenment on E Floor North. By turning their curiosity toward the endless cycle of mindless work, this ensemble of actor-creators utilizes their character-driven, highly physical, and outlandishly absurd style to reveal what actually happens when people pass the time while on the clock. Join company members Jed Hancock-Brainerd, Aram Aghazarian, Roblin Davis, Kamili Feelings, and Rebecca Noon for this work in progress showing, to be followed by wine and cheese time.
Made possible in part by support from the Maine Community Foundation’s Maine Theater Fund.
Company Bio:
“STRANGE ATTRACTOR THEATRE CO. creates inviting and unexpected performances that challenge the popular conception of live theatre while engaging new audiences with original, high-caliber, physically devised work. Drawing from our shared training at the London International School of Performing Arts, the four core actor-creators reinvent the classic styles of clown, melodrama, commedia, the absurd and the grotesque, while staring unflinchingly at the darkest spots of our shared humanity to uncover the sublime, the foolish, and the ridiculous. Our physically-based performance style, the diverse universes we explore, and the hilarious characters we discover, unnerve while entertaining and confound while delighting.
Since forming in 2009 Strange Attractor has created four full-length shows, 2010’s F.orward O.perating B.ase in Juneau, AK for Perseverance Theatre, 2010’s Special Happy, in Providence, RI for Perishable Theatre, 2011’s If You Shoot A Boot, You Might Get Wet, in Providence as a co-production with Spanish company Rompecabezas, and 2012’s A Terrific Fire, which was developed in Juneau with Perseverance Theatre and in Providence with Perishable Theatre and 95 Empire, AS220’s Black Box Theatre.”