Think & Drink: Disruption
Think and Drink, Our collaboration with the Maine Humanities Council returns in 2015. Building on the productive conversations fostered throughout last year’s Think and Drink this year we will explore how disruption is changing our traditional understanding of four distinct subjects: Race (February 18th), Authority (March 18th), Art (April 15th) and Gender (May 20th). Each conversation will feature 2-3 panelists representing different contingents and or viewpoints on that evening’s topic. After a short conversation between the panelists and the moderator attendees will talk to each other, get a drink and then we will all reconvene to have a conversation between everyone present.
For volume 3 of 2015’s T&D we’ll discuss what is disrupting our traditional understanding of Art with panelists Chris Stiegler-Art Historian, teacher at MECA and Curator for The Institute for American Art, Co-Creators of npilar (Pilar Nadal and Anne Buckwalter) and activist/artist/teacher Rob Lieber.
A little more about Think and Drink:
We’ve all had deep discussions with our friends while we’re out at night—why not add a couple of experts to the mix and really take it up a notch? That’s the idea behind Think & Drink, a happy-hour series in partnership with SPACE Gallery in Portland that sparks provocative conversations about big ideas. The series invites you to participate in a facilitated public conversation with panelists who have expertise in the subject at hand. The idea isn’t to create consensus but, rather, to foster an open interplay of viewpoints and perspectives.