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Women’s March Maine Anniversary Celebration

Sunday, January 21 2018
3:00 PM TO 6:00 PM

Women’s March—Maine, the regional chapter of the nationally affiliated group that organized Maine for the March on Washington DC last January are hosting an anniversary celebration to honor what grassroots efforts have accomplished in the past year, renew their shared commitment to each other and their principles, and to recognize the power of female-identified art and performance in the political conversation, and to honor the diverse ways in which we resist. 

Join us for a festive afternoon with a group of diverse speakers, multi-disciplinary performers peppering the event, music, donuts, printmaking, and merryment. Performers have been asked to respond to the prompt “How do you resist?” A few are working from feminist body/dance/movement performance backgrounds including burlesque, a couple of performances may not be suitable for children. Speakers and performers at this event have been programmed by collaborators with Women’s March—Maine. 

The event is co-hosted by Women’s March—Maine and March Forth at SPACE Gallery with Pickwick Independent Press. As space is limited, this event will be ticketed in advance, the cost will cover small stipends for performers and speakers for their work in the spirit of an inclusive vital creative economy for women. If you or a group would like to attend and the price is prohibitive, please contact SPACE in advance at 

The event will also promote Power To The Polls, a national voter registration tour that will target swing states to register new voters, engage impacted communities, advocate for policies and candidates that reflect the group’s values, and collaborate with partners to elect more women and progressives candidates to office. The coordinated campaign will build upon national Women’s March’s ongoing work uplifting the voices and campaigns of the nation’s most marginalized communities to create transformative social and political change.

“We are incredibly excited to celebrate what we have accomplished during the past year, to honor our bonds of sisterhood and fellowship and to get energized for our important work in 2018,” said Genevieve Morgan, 2017 state chair of Women’s March—Maine. “Last year’s march was an historic event for women and for our country, and now it is time to evolve our protest into votes.”

An on-line “house party package” including a music playlist, videos, talking points and more will be available so that participants can host their own celebration events locally. Other events taking place over the weekend include marches in Bangor, Gouldsboro, and Augusta. Look for an event near you at