




SPACE Studios

Kindling Fund










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Art in the Age of Social Distancing

Apr 1, 2020 – Aug 31, 2020

Broadcasts: Art in the Age of Social Distancing is a multi-disciplinary remote exhibition of art made in isolation during COVID-19. Through curated weekly selections shared via email and the interactive map below, Broadcasts seeks to archive testimonies and creative responses to the pandemic as it unfolds, highlighting the artistic drive to bear witness, process experience, and adapt to a changing world. With brick and mortar spaces shuttered in the name of public health, Broadcasts explores remote ways of promoting collective communion with art when we cannot gather together.

[Click on the top left of the map to explore by artist name OR click on a pin to view submissions by region. Artist entries are updated on an ongoing basis.]

Open Broadcasts map in a new browser tab or window (Google Maps)

The open call for Broadcasts closed on June 30, 2020. All submissions were included in the map above. The 19 curated selections shared via email are archived below. You can also find artist features on instagram and facebook tagged #broadcastsfromspace.

Broadcast #1: From our home to yours with care

Broadcast #2: “Day and Night Are the Same”

Broadcast #3: Worldbuilding

Broadcast #4: Loss and Ritual

Broadcast #5: Long Distance

Broadcast #6: Isolated Bliss

Broadcast #7: Prescient Landscapes

Broadcast #8: Offerings

Broadcast #9: Waiting Rooms

Broadcast #10: Time Suspended Optimism

Broadcast #11: New Moment/ New Discipline

Broadcast #12: Landscapes of our Youth

Broadcast #13: Authentic Selves

Broadcast #14: Distant Communions

Broadcast #15: Take care of your dreams

Broadcast #16: It Only Feels Surreal on Days that End in Y

Broadcast #17: Touchpoints

Broadcast #18: For those who feel alone

Broadcast #19: What will carry us forward?

***Submissions closed June 30, 2020***

How to submit:

  • Email us at with the subject line “Broadcasts”.
  • Attach or provide a download link to photos (jpeg, tiff, png, or pdf) of your work or videos (mp4) of you performing your work. By sending us a video, you consent to us publishing it on our YouTube channel.
  • Let us know where you live or create (a.k.a. where is your remote broadcast coming from?)
  • Include a few sentences about your experience of social distance and the impacts on your creative practice. 
  • Include your website, Bandcamp link, social media handle, or personal fundraiser link.

Possible submissions include: 

  • New work in all media (music, writing, painting, drawing, sculpture, video, photography, dance, performance of all kinds) that you are making during social distancing, including initial sketches, drafts, and works in progress
  • Work you made prior to COVID-19 that you are performing or seeing in a new light now (tell us why you chose this work in this moment)

If you are a musician, dancer, actor, or performer of any kind, we ask that you do not submit a previously recorded video unless your testimony sheds light on how it is relevant now. We hope you’ll consider submitting new documentation of yourself performing from your home during social distancing (i.e. a new video of an existing work).

Broadcasts continues SPACE’s legacy of artist-led, community-developed programming ranging from the celebrated Free for All 2D exhibitions, 2014’s Goods & Services pop-up shop/“retail experiment”, 2018’s Bring Your Own Beamer (BYOB), and 2020’s Light Room: Practice

Organized by Lia Wilson

Exhibition Design by Carolyn Wachnicki

Curated selections by Lia Wilson, Carolyn Wachnicki, Kelsey Halliday Johnson, and Jocelyn Leighton

Exhibition support from Geneviève Beaudoin and Julia Whyel