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Bon Iver Sells Out (Might We Suggest Vetiver?)

Bon Iver has done sold out. No, not in the Pepsi commercial sort of way (yet) but in the Friday-July-25th-live-at-SPACE-Gallery-no-more-tickets kind of way. Those with tickets, rejoice. You’re in for an assuredly great return performance with openers Bowerbirds.
To those procrastinators: we’re sorry, and let us take this encouraging moment to point you to our BrownPaper Tickets webpage where you can buy advance tickets for all our shows (or visit your local Bull Moose Music to buy them in person) so that this won’t happen again.

As a consolation, we’d like to direct the attention of Bon Iver fans (both with and without tickets) to the Vetiver | Arborea | St. Disaster show next Tuesday, July 29th (tickets still available!). It’s just our opinion but we think you’ll like Vetiver as well. Have a look at this video for a taste of their music. They’re captured performing/recording their song “Been So Long” with help from Juana Molina and Vashti Bunyan on vocals:

Meanwhile, Bon Iver is crossing the U.S. this summer in support of their excellent album For Emma, Forever Ago, and playing some opening dates with Wilco. While touring Europe earlier this year, they took the time to record a Take Away Show in Paris with the folks at la Blogotheque (so did openers Bowerbirds in New York). If you’re unfamiliar with the Take Away Shows, these are weekly video podcast performances, often in a bar or park or an apartment (or in the case of The Arcade Fire, in an elevator). The Take Away Show archives include dozens of past shows (including appearances by several SPACE stage alumni like Andrew Bird, Xiu Xiu, Castanets, John Vanderslice, Marissa Nadler and Damon & Naomi).

Here’s one clip of Bon Iver performing “Flume”. You should visit la Blogotheque to watch the entire session:

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