On November 12th SPACE will again host composer and musician Dan Deacon. During his interview last week on the NPR’s All Things Considered Dan gave a few really insightful answers to questions about his music and electronic music in general. Listen to it here. In other Dan Deacon news, he recently launched an app for iphone and android that allows your phone to be “played” by Dan during his live show. The speaker of your phone will be used as an instrument, and the screen will coincide with all the other phones in the crowd to create a light show. If you haven’t seen Dan Deacon live before, he often destroys line between audience and performer, creating synchronized interpretive dance alongs or giant human spirals. This show isn’t for a few months, so that gives you plenty of time to get this app before his show at SPACE on November 12th. Click here for iphone, and here for android.

Dan Deacon
SPACE Reader
September 7, 2012
By Adam
By Adam