This week, SPACE turns 18. We are so grateful to the artists, staff, interns, volunteers, board members, donors, neighbors, and audiences who have supported this organization, pushed it to go outside its comfort zone, critiqued it, labored over it, and loved it. There are so many shared histories here. SPACE wouldn’t be what it is today (at the height of our adolescence?) – and more importantly, what it can continue to grow to be – without the commitment, hard work, and care of so many. Thank you.
We’re spending this week looking back through our archive and imagining future possibilities. If you’ve got a special SPACE memory, please share it with us. If you’ve got ideas for what could be, we hope you’ll reach out using our Community Feedback Form. Instead of celebrating this birthday, we’re cultivating new stamina to meet the moments ahead and deepen our commitment to advocating for Maine artists, arts platforms, and partner organizations from whom we are learning so much. Here’s to more birthdays, together.

Graphic by Carolyn Wachnicki featuring bits and pieces of our history: Kitty Critic Awards (2016), unknown winter poster (2010), Extra Spectral (2019), “The Blow” poster by Kris Johnsen & Bryan Bruchman (2010), Genuine Article (2016), gallery renovation (2011), Mixtape #1 (2019), RGB: The Jungle (2012), Reclaiming Space (2005), House Shows Vol 2 (2020), Stop and Smell the Roses Sometimes (2018), Analog Tweets w/ Pickwick Independent Press (2011), Thread the Needle – SPACE grand opening (August 2nd, 2002), Garifuna Collective (2019). Cover photo from SPACE’s 2015 capital campaign to buy our building.