“System Reboot,” a free summer film series presented with SPACE, PMA Films and Friends of Congress Square Park, examines the cinematic source material of film…
SPACE is requiring masks and vaccination for all event attendees. Medical exemptions can be accommodated. Please refer to our current health and safety policies on…
The Apohadion Theater and SPACE are pleased to co-present an ongoing series of virtual film screenings in 2020 and 2021. All proceeds from this series…
SPACE House Shows is back for Volume 2! Every Tuesday at 8:00 pm EST, musicians will take to our Instagram page, performing live from their…
The Crit is a staple of an architectural education. It’s the final critique in an academic studio where you hang your designs on the wall,…
Race Think and Drink, Our collaboration with the Maine Humanities Council returns in 2015. Building on the productive conversations fostered throughout last year’s Think and Drink this year…
Authority Our collaboration with the Maine Humanities Council, Think and Drink returns in 2015. Building on the productive conversations fostered throughout last year’s Think and Drink…
Art Think and Drink, Our collaboration with the Maine Humanities Council returns in 2015. Building on the productive conversations fostered throughout last year’s Think and…
Think and Drink, Our collaboration with the Maine Humanities Council returns in 2015. Building on the productive conversations fostered throughout last year’s Think and Drink…
The Crit is a staple of an architectural education. It’s the final critique in an academic studio where you hang your designs on the wall,…