Natasha Mayers
In the Main Space
World Banksters: A Selection of Recent On-Going Banksters Postcards by Natasha Mayers.
The banksters* are the predators, profiteers, the money men, the global banking cartel that I insert into each postcard scene (from the USA and around the world), in every possible situation, where you least expect them. They are anonymous, faceless, often headless, trapped in a suit and tie, which is like a costume/uniform, a mask, straitjacket, like armor. Sometimes they are a dominating, looming presence, usually unexpected and inappropriate (what the f— is going on??!!!!).
Postcards share a moment, a quick connection from far away, tell little stories, serve as a travelogue. They are often from exotic places. These little paintings are my comment on capitalism, post-colonialism, globalization, cultural appropriation, cultural authenticity and differences, sexism, etc.
*bankster: forces of Wall Street and those in financial services industry who grow rich despite continued impoverishment of those who depend on their services. They are the fraudsters, currency manipulators, company killers, and pension raiders who have caused a global economic crisis, put millions of people out of their homes and jobs, and not one has been sent to jail.
-Natasha Mayers
See Natasha’s Flickr set of these images here.