It’s survey time: the time of year where we solicit you for feedback about our organization. We want to hear it all: good things, bad things, anything shocking, disappointing, exciting or mundane… let us have it, please!
Your opinion about how we’re doing is incredibly important to us. A big part of SPACE’s mission is connecting you to innovative arts, artists, and ideas by making our unconventional programming accessible and affordable. We want to know how we can improve to serve our community better. Taking a minute or two to give us your feedback will help us out in a huge way.
Please fill out the form below (or click here if it’s too small) to tell us what you think!
AND: at the end of the survey, you’ll be given the option to include your name and phone number in a raffle. After we close the survey on May 31st, a name will be drawn at random and that person will win a free three-month all-access pass to SPACE events. That means if you win, you get to come to everything here for free, for the whole summer! Remember that old adage, though… you can’t win unless you fill out the survey.
THANK YOU for your input! You help make SPACE a better organization.