For two weeks the crew of Gruesome Playground Injuries have been transforming the gallery into a projection filled, gauze strewn, and spring loaded immersive set. Gruesome Playground Injuries was created by Pulitzer Prize nominated playwright Rajiv Joseph and is being directed by Killer Joe (2011) director Sean Mewshaw. The play stars L.A. based Mary Bonner-Baker and Alex Quijano. About the play: “an accident prone dare devil and a corrosive masochist navigate friendship, love and the squishy parts that lie in between, in a series of nonlinear vignettes that bounce over three decades of a relationship…” Get tickets here for one of only 4 shows (June 5th-8th). Above is a picture of the set for GPI and below are some photos of 2011’s Killer Joe.

SPACE Reader
June 4, 2013