This edition of the Poster series is for Jolie Holland and Matt Bauer‘s show at SPACE Gallery on Sept. 16th. Make sure you dont miss this show! Poster design by Kris Johnsen @ Emblem Studio.
This poster is a 4 color screen print, the image comes from a page out of my sketchbook originally done with coffee, acrylic paint and micron’s. The image was drawn again for the poster and to be able to separate it into different colors. Also a different layer of spray paint splatters was added as well.
I use the computer to separate each color and print out the layers.
Images printed out on paper then oiled.
The first layer of half the posters were printed in gold. The other half in baby blue. There is an edition of 52 of these posters.
Red layer.
I used 6 different colors of paper for the backround, So there are alot of different variations of this poster. Only 2 dark blue ones!
Sometimes awesome dogs named Capone come and distract you!
Thanks to Jess for coming and helping me out!
The black layer printed on the mylar that helps me register the prints.