New poster just finished for the next ALL AGES show at SPACE Gallery with Nightmare Of You, Destry, Fly Upright Kite & Colors. Poster is 25in-10in. Printed on thin chipboard and a few on white poster board. 3 colors.
Here is a link to the show page.
Poster printing and design done by myself, Kris Johnsen @ Emblem Studio
Oiling up the paper with the images printed on it. Each color is a different layer.
Our exposure unit in not in a filthy basement anymore! Pickwick Independent Press is getting all together and that is where I will be working. Its in the same building, just alot nicer and cleaner, plus a bunch of new presses are being added to the space, check them all out on Pickwick’s website! They are accepting applications now.
First layer of yellow.
The yellow layer was drawn and stretched for the size of the poster.
This is all you need when you print posters! and the occasional sandwich.
I started to mix the 2 red’s I was printing with, so no two posters are exactly alike, some came out alot darker than others, but I really like the different reds in the print.
You can see the different shades of red here.
New washout sink is amazing!!!
Last layer of black. Notice the smiling Target gift cards I use for placement holders. They work prefectly!
Last steps of cutting the rest of the paper and signing and numbering all the posters.