SPACE currently requires masks and vaccination for all event attendees. Medical exemptions can be accommodated. Please refer to our health and safety policy for more information. Stories…
Guerilla Toss with Amiright? and Colby Nathan at the SPACE Venue on April 25, 2022
SPACE presents an evening with the genre-defying and generation-defining guitar legend Marc Ribot on Thursday, March 31 at 8:00pm.
SPACE currently requires masks and vaccination for all event attendees. Medical exemptions can be accommodated. Please refer to our health and safety policy for more information. R.A.P.…
SPACE currently requires masks and vaccination for all event attendees. Medical exemptions can be accommodated. Please refer to our health and safety policy for more information. Hypnotic…
SPACE currently requires masks and vaccination for all event attendees. Medical exemptions can be accommodated. Please refer to our health and safety policy for more information. Ryley…
Join us for an evening of darkness and light to reconnect with acoustic sound in observance of the winter solstice. Vigorous Tenderness is a seasonal…
SPACE is currently requiring masks and vaccination for all event attendees. Medical exemptions can be accommodated. Please refer to our health and safety policies on…
SPACE is currently requiring masks and vaccination for all event attendees. Medical exemptions can be accommodated. Please refer to our health and safety policies on…
SPACE is currently requiring masks and vaccination for all event attendees. Medical exemptions can be accommodated. Please refer to our health and safety policies on…