SPACE House Shows vol 2
SPACE House Shows is back for Volume 2! Every Tuesday at 8:00 pm EST, musicians will take to our Instagram page, performing live from their homes to yours. We hope these digital shows can be a vessel for the same sorts of joy, curiosity, and community found at SPACE events of the past and of course, future.
These shows are member-supported and it’s because of our members’ generosity that we’re able to run this concert series and ensure that all performers are paid. We firmly believe in compensating artists fairly and these times are no different.
To further support this program, please donate to @space-gallery on Venmo or at during each concert. We will split all donations 50/50 between the musicians and Maine-based organizations focused on racial and social justice.
The lineup:
8/11: Graphic Melee, Mosart212, Liz Rhaney, 32french
To watch, head to SPACE’s Instagram page, @space538. At 8:00pm, click on our profile picture to watch the live video performance. You will need to have an Instagram account to view this performance.