The Color Wheel film at SPACE Gallery May 2012
The internationally renowned gender non-conforming writer and performance artist brings their new poetry-comedy show to SPACE! Second show by popular demand!
SPACE will host virtual information sessions for our American Rescue Plan Project Grant Program on Zoom!
The internationally renowned gender non-conforming writer and performance artist brings their new comedy show to SPACE! A special surprise performance!
Maine’s hip-hop renaissance man tops a bill of local luminaries of hip-hip, r&b, and electronic music.
SPACE and Angelo Madsen Minax present four short films this June 9th.
Indigo Arts Alliance and SPACE co-resent a new film by Saul Williams Neptune Frost this June 24th.
Indigo Arts Alliance and SPACE co-resent a new film by Saul Williams Neptune Frost this June 26th.
MWPA and SPACE launch Cate Marvin’s fourth book, Event Horizon.